vernazza @ 2005-09-30T23:35:00
Okay, first real revenue, expected to make this entry public. Thanks for letting us know about this Kristal!
Anyway, so today was the eventfull, Elena and her friends are made need a ride, though he did not wish ever one to begin with.
My little cousin Christian, made me an interesting question today. "You have been reports of the couple right? Need adivce bad .. Well i" I will not get in it equally for its secrecy and the other people involved. However, his conversation made me think, I'm almost 30, I have to settle down.
want to have children, at least two, a boy and girl. The My twin brother already has 4 kids. So, lets see then. If I want two kids for the moment is 35 and I would like to know the guy that I'm getting married for at least 2 years before they married, which means I have 5 years of 1 / 2 to meet the man of my dreams .
That's long enough right? Hmm, well I think he's going to go to the pool for a swim.