Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stouffer Outlet Store Solon Ohio

The coach is dedicated to ...:)

Excerpt from the performance of officers Eugene Grishkovtsa "As I ate a dog."
Duration: 4:45.

Thank-you Email Subject

new life!

well I have cleansed my LJ and I'm very happy with that!
I decided that this blog will be my tribute to those great, great man who is ... Hayden Christensen! because it is right that so be it XD so no more lengthy post on my endless life. they are boring and do not serve anyone but myself, so I write first to my mental ruminations elsewhere. I started a blog in msn, with my new, beautiful (and free scassapalle) contact of msn! that is dedicated to the drama. My other fixed XD
waaay down in the coming days and then put hayden post on various movie and try to connect the two with the blog I do not know which method ...\u0026lt;-...
okay shao!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Groping Movie Theatre

happy birthday!

bah presumptuously I received 2 emails well advised of the fact that in two days is your Complex ... XD


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Laser Eye Surgery Update Driver License Ontario

Indecent Proposal (1993)

«To save a dying man's wife must give" savior. " What should I do? »

interesting that the question often arises precisely in such a setting, rather than vice versa. Perhaps this is some kind of "rule" of life ...

But life moves in time in one direction and some acts almost irreversible. And if reversible, it is almost ...

Friday, September 19, 2008

What Movie With Guy Raped

Rubbish ordered?

Minor problems with garbage collection: Here we are "a handful" everywhere ...

Небольшая свалка мусора

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Does Mustarbation Cause Weak Bladder


Few people know that by bending the fingers can not to count to 10, 1023.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Princess Cruise Soft Drinks How Much

With work from home

bad ...
Скорость соединения с работы

Monday, September 15, 2008

Headache And Arm Pain In The Right Side

Скорость соединения из дома

Thursday, September 11, 2008

10 Weeks Pregnant And In Pain

I - mathrsfs! :)

was looking for in an Internet appearance of the font in mathrsfs TeX'e. Google-pictures helped. But! One result was the pic is my (current). Patstalom! :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Best Of The Funny Wordings For A Wedding Invite

Natural Born Killers

film in 1994, but only Now it looked. I would describe it as "romantic crime drama." Or may [...] melodrama. " :)

"That is poetry."

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunlight Soap Washing A Deck

Barn owl

Google search engine that is barn owl. One of the options was with this context: "Barn Owl are more slender elongated body and long legs." Smiled. :)

ZYZH If suddenly, barn owl - A bird of the order Strigiformes:) ( wiki: / / Sipuha_obyknovennaya )

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is Tajima Software Same As Pe Software

Entertainment office workers:)

Packman 4ever!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Unhealthy Genital Woman

«Wrong" judging:)

remembered as a year and a half ago was a bit of hype (well-known in narrow circles ") around a championship ballroom dancing among young people (with the departure from the ceremony, dikvalifikatsiey and other related rituals). A Here's how the question of "wrong" refereeing was settled by the Cuban thekvondistom at the Olympics:

As I understand it, Cuban himself finger, like, crushed, and the rules He had one minute to fix it. Minute has expired - the battle lost.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Club Nintendo Pins Free

in how to work!

But, of course, I wish all success "business" meetings! :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Glory Holes In Columbus, Oh

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Catchy School Phrases

suit for the next feast:)

a good idea to dress up for "fashion»:)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Difference Between Vtct & Nvq

Photoshoot in the men's restroom uni:)

Went today to the toilet ... Apple to wash:). And found a small lizard. And it was necessary to get it right on the third floor! It seems that climbed through the window, but to get back - not fate, since everything inside is decorated with tiles - can not crawl on smooth walls (outside of some concrete). On the street they sfotat hard - fast and very shy, but here she huddled in a corner - and will not go away:). In generally went for fotikom - the result of the cut.

PS. That it was on - history is silent.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Can You Shave During Genital Herpes Outbreak

Peculiarities of the National Recreation

New Year holidays in Russia - This is pish compared with a monthly spree in Sicily. I do not know, of course, can be a feature of the whole of Italy, Sicily but sure. The population here is unhurried Privacy (Island) life.

Take a siesta - lunch breaks - it's a habit to a considerable hiatus in the middle of the day. In the region of 13-15 hours of the city seems to be extinct. Of course this is a perfectly natural explanation - very difficult to work in the most sunshine with temperatures around 35 degrees (or higher). Availability Air conditioner does not change this habit, generated over the years and soaked with milk. :)

August here - it's the holy month of holidays and polneshnego binge. In the sense of departure. All go to give sea or even far away. It does not take turns during the year that the schools at least someone has worked, and all at once. Of course, the rest is not the whole of August and two weeks, but still it creates problems, because at any given moment there is no majority the right people.

University deserted, with 11 to 24 August, our department (faculty, it is probably better to say in Russian) will generally be closed, and the week before and week after - is open only before lunch. All edalni pozakryvalis too. Complete emptiness.

Finally, the peculiarities of the national language:). "Mortal danger" in Italian can be expressed by two, we can say the opposite of phrases: pericolo di morte or pericolo di vita - danger of death or danger of life ("life - the most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases").

Well, in addition to the previous, only this time about the English:). Razor - straight razor (US), but more interesting is the British version - cut-throat razor.

ZY As usual, © Lingvo. :)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fotos Nueva Milena Velba

Love in Italian:)

sought, as will be in Italian the "bone" (inspired by an early morning hike to the store), found:

head over heels in love - innamorarsi fino all'osso / nelle ossa = (literally) to fall in love to the bone:)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Morrowind Goty Ohne Cd

And Sicily will cook!

Path lunar shadow on the surface Earth during the solar eclipse of August 1, 2008:

Путь лунной тени по поверхности Земли во время солнечного затмения 1 августа 2008 года

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Volleyball Body Painting

Oh, great and mighty!

I tested their knowledge of Russian language and has received four:
You answered 6 out of 8 simple questions. Not a bad result against the general background. Chances are, you know bad Russian language at school, just had it long ago, and now the textbook for you Rosenthal replaces grammatical AutoCheck in "Word". Proud of you especially have nothing, but to survive in the environment of Russian native speakers of that is enough. Such as you, in country, according to opinion poll - 21%.

Go check it out?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Wood Barrels For Sale Ohio

Again Hello!

Well, I was again on a business trip ... But I hope to be online. :)

Why some houses do not get keep a journal. :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

How Many Weeks Pregnant Calculator

italiandj © 2008-03-28T12: 34:00

Travel & Weddings in Italy. Music by

We work in all Italy from more 20 year's old. We play all style music, and personalized your Company

or private events.
Party, Weddings, only service... is from the better solution in Italy at music entertainment.
DJ, musicians, singer male and female, jazz band.
Never mind, your music planner in Italy is Romadjpianobar.
info (at)

Operiamo da oltre 20 anni nel settore dell'intrattenimento musicale, in tutta italia.
Possiamo gestire:
- Eventi aziendali, anche solo impiantistica
- Serate e programmazioni per Local
- tourist and hotel facilities
- Party
Private Parties - Wedding Receptions
- Events in music ...
We tested a few but professionals:
DJ; all kinds of music. Accepted playlist
Pianobar, male and female voices. Singers winning singing contests.
Jazz Musicians: solo (voice, piano, drums, bass, drums, trumpet, sax, electric guitar)
or full band
Yor Music Partner in Italy !

\u0026lt;object width="425" height="350"> \u0026lt;param name="movie" value="">

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width = "425" height = "350" > \u0026lt;/ embed> \u0026lt;/ object>

Gianpiero Fatica Dj an uninterrupted passion for music, entering it through the front door: already in 1982-'83 broadcasting from the waves of Radio Kiss Kiss, soon became a national network .

The school was the best, it was the style of Mr. Sasa Capobianco, the dean of all the DJ's from Naples and Campania, former leader of the Italian-Jockey disck Renzo Arbore. Sasa

I followed ten years after its release from Kiss Kiss, gaining further experience in the side of the "Doctor's Group", in particular attending the premises of the Amalfi Coast.

My motto, which expresses in summary form in the General Staff of Romadjpianobar is "little words, much good music" or "a few words, much good music."

This is my style, I'm not a DJ-entertainer, of those who often hides a mediocre selection of music and mixes rough behind a good deal of animation voice.

This I place in the side of good Vocalist.

In our Staff, is the singer Valeria Sargentoni , with whom I share many corporate and private events dj service and piano bar.

Valeria to Rome on Friday and Saturday all'Irish Club Village Open Bar, two important premises of the capital. (But with a chance of being booked ...! Visit the site and find his card and mp3.)

So, "little words, much good music", or the art of perceiving the atmosphere room, pass the right piece at the right time, the satisfaction to you to ask for a song, and you have already prepared it in CD player or on the plate ... The choruses of the songs sung by the people, that alone, without being pushed to do so, have fun.

And then a constant curiosity for all the sounds that come from a musical education given to the rock, which then is slide, from the fun of disco, the fads, the discovery bully of jazz, which I joined a group of musicians to secure relief, beginning with Primiano Di Biase and his "Carosoni, whose band's name itself already evokes the Italian and international swing.

For other professionals, but tested as Alex Diambrini , the beauty of 20 years of experience in California, currently teaches guitar in an important Lombard school.

And do not forget our webmaster, Aurelio Scalabroni , close friend ever since we met, leaders of villages in Sardinia. Sharing the happy but also, we say a good time, the misery with which you are employed by these agencies. From small to "large" tour operator, under the myth of the easy conquest and accommodation and meals for three months in summer. How to say "much happy, no money".

Aurelius was the voice of "Green Street", a group dance of the '80s, then in vogue in superclassifies, and his musical experimentation and total mastery of computers it binds to a common path with Donatello They travel , author of several so-called " chill out. " In my Staff

important figure is Paul Petrillo, for years co-worker and professional, important web of the world of the musical, directed especially to foreign couples who marry in Italy. ... Obviously I am one of "his" staff. The meeting then

Radio Omega Sound Anzio (Roma), Fm 91.4 - 102.2, I work with for several years, particularly with the airing of the program "Off Limits, Music Without Borders" on Wednesday from 21.30 to 23 (from this site under "web radio"), binds me to the other two important figures of Staff Romadjpianobar.

Claudio Annunziata, a true expert in music of all music non-commercial, ranging from rock, jazz, blues, country, Cuban and African music, world etc.

Claudio is a dictionary open on what surrounds us musically, basically almost impossible to listen in large network, or, even worse, tv music, because serve the record labels. Our transmission has hosted and often hosts live musicians and professionals, to comment with some real "testimonial" Our attempt to make a broadcast of "Good Vibrations", to quote the Beach Boys, but also a approach to musical culture.

All this is thanks to the availability of John D'Onofrio , program director of Radio.

lot had had to get to the big question "what kind sound."

My selection is actually 360 degrees, I can create variables of the atmosphere during the same evening, or as part of a program, express, for example, with theme nights.

If I have to supply a more specific to my tastes, sure to rock the disco '70s, the house melodic, sung in the structure that recalls the original sound of disco music.

To make two symbolic names: to rock the Doobie Brothers, those of "Long Train Running", for the record, also survived the big house, what I think is the most elegant voice in absolute dance music: Jocelyn Brown.

Even today I like to experiment, to propose, to risk even to clear the track with a proposal is not accepted. But the only way to go further, make a difference. Although often (almost always) much effort in updating a selection are frustrated by the usual 20 to 30 songs at all hours of being bombarded by radio "important", and everything is resolved in greater banality.

job and we are both in public places, for corporate events, private events (wedding ceremonies, various anniversaries, graduations, etc...) And I like to customize the event, which is particularly appreciated by foreign couples. I welcome actual playlist to execute and follow up in style.

job and work individually or mixed finding solutions that can meet different needs and economic activities.

Mine and our reach is national.

If you share this way of understanding the music, you just have to try us ...

For contacts call 328.333.41.84 or