Monday, February 28, 2011

Registration Plates In Ontario By Colour

:: Plesetsk waterfalls

It was supposed to be post a photo. Chose the most beautiful, long a favorite - all think handled, lay out - for more forces will not suffice. And then it turned out that the rest is left just a little - well enough to shoot! Yield better quality:) cheer up, and here I sit test to semadzhik - could so quickly come to a Flickr link does not drag.

second story of the "velvet" season in the Black Sea. By the way, if before any trip I had a folder for each date with a heap of content this time I excelled:) Only 6 folders (morko, waterfalls, zakatik, Abrau-Durso, Novorossiysk and panoramki). And try to shoot in the narrow gorges poltishkom Macro! Practising willpower:)

Falls near Gelendzhik much. Pictures in the book one more beautiful than another. Afflicts only a description of many: "... To get here, you need to make the transition with two overnight stays ..." And we have a simple light on subaru:) We chose the ones where the book said, "you will reach the most spectacular 6 km. Need athletic shoes and a good physical. preparation. "Hmm, sandals, we found the rest too somehow:) I generally poorly oriented in the distance: 6 km - that's a lot on foot or a little? It turns out if you walk around the city (read flat road), then a little, and if the river bed teetering on the rocks - something gesture as much! And this is just one way!

Slightly moving away from the road, we descended into a semi-dry riverbed and bodrenko strode forward. Initially, it was even fun track was pretty smooth, the water we safely avoided. Then, the channel became narrower, the water was everywhere and after a moment's hesitation (melted sandals or not) fun shuffled forward. Very cool - the legs are cooled, but do not have time to freeze - as a result of the heat is not felt. Sandals with dyrdochkami were very By the way (these clarks'y I wear now in its fifth year and I can not kill).

We overtook the truck - cool dranduletina boldly cut through the water and cobblestones. Peasant cordially invited to drive, but the hedgehog - Bird proud, politely refused. Alternating track with circuitous paths still pretty happy got to the apiary. Next trail went wagging over the mountains and brought back to the bed. However, this was a completely different river. Deep gorge with the remnants of a mountain river - the bottom of the corresponding. Layers of rocks sticking out with sharp ridges and mountain stages are getting higher and higher.

Incredibly beautiful! Greens of all shades this fall, water, rocks, stones ... Sorry just looking at this beauty on the go is physically impossible. Otvedesh opinion, and nobody knows where will your leg. Now we do not troubled wet sandals, there are already podkashivatsya feet from the constant differential stress. At some point I began to feel that they generally live their life:) Rare halts and forward again - because after 6 miles we were promised that there will be waterfalls! And while only the light thresholds for wimps:)

still higher, still have ... A water less ... That is, the knee is where the walk (even to plunge), and the waterfalls is not enough:) You can only imagine How beautiful when a lot of water. However, as if to get here if the water a lot!? Satisfied with little. Some places are really fabulous ... When the thresholds turned into a small mountain-barriers, steel wire ropes fastened to appear, plaques, and sometimes full stairway. The last part of the bed of the wading Gorges was the most beautiful, despite the lack of expected falls.

And then we realized that falls somehow ended and on quite narrow and uninteresting ... And back we are waiting for the same 6 km jumping aki mountain goats. The benefit of the road were seen marked trails that go to the onshore Mt. I climbed up decently cut way by the usual path. If it had not yet had to constantly go down to the river, in order to climb the next mountain! Reaching the apiary, his legs stretched, drank herbal tea, bought a couple cans of Medco and tottered to the road. How ridiculous it was to remember the beginning of the path - as feared Soak the feet as bodrenko rode on pebbles:)

camera turns terribly heavy, but as Sasha dragged through all this way heaviest tripod (Only once fallen!), So I made a couple of nice shots frozen some water - do not imagine! But it was cool ...

Panoramka in psychedelic tones from the very beginning of the path:)

Keep feet:)

September, 2010

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Low Profile Bed Skirt


Tremedzo - a small town in 1238 residents on the western shore of Lake Lario. Tourists, he is known for the famous Villa Carlotta. An amusing feature campus - is that despite the small area of territory - 8b 38 km.kv, it consists of 9 counties! In the photo the church of St. Lorenzo.

\u0026lt;one more photos>

parish of this church is rich in real estate: it owns several beautiful and historic villas. Curiosity will discuss how the Church of administered.