Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lyrics And Chords Of Nepali Songs

:: The unexpected proposal

My office recently reminded calls to parents of children with pioneer camps:) Mom, I'm good, yeah ... eat well, your feet warm ... interesting? .. never mind, maaaam ... as usual :)))) And actually something hoo! Yes egegey!:)

So I now have it. Bunch of interesting things going on around me every day, and tell no words! So it is a lot of interesting photos (yes, that had not yet moved from the "Islands" to the "bye"). Probably I'm just waiting for spring. To spread wings and shake.

Can anyone wants to stir up some photo shoot? No, I feel good, just really want to shoot a man:) I know there are worthy representatives on both sides of the lens. Propose a scheme: two or three people with lenses and just as many who want to be frostbitten. Dual view of one frame, something like that. If there is a good man with a machine - I choose okolominskie spaces. Going?


Random photo on the bridge in Gomel.
August 2010


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