"He considered it his duty to preserve the significance of what the world has accumulated over the millennia of its existence: the architecture beautiful cities of artistic interest, museums and monuments. Connoisseur of composers, musicians, artists, he left a fictionalized stories of their lives. Their fate densely filled with misfortunes, tragedies, mistakes and errors. Big man, according to Nagibina is extremely limited, self-centered, helpless, but lives deeply, keenly felt the tragedy and terry vulgarity "routine ... Tintoretto, Marc Chagall, Tchaikovsky, J. Kalman, S. Rachmaninoff. Yu Nagibin wrote scripts of documentaries and feature films about their fates. They ordered the Soviet and American film companies. "... Once Nagibin can represent the talent, let him work "- they explained." - said in the preface.
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I've never had business with the billionaire, and thought that his appearance must be furnished solemnly, like a ruler or exit east of the Roman Caesar, - pipe buktsiny, flute, karnay, cymbals, carpeting, white elephants, half-naked slaves. Continued on click.
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